BCP testing builds resilience and strengthens your team

Business Continuity Testing has become a crucial aspect of training in any organisation. In many countries it is an industry requirement to have a tested business continuity plan, and to train your staff. This is key to ensuring a plan’s effectiveness. All personnel within an organisation should understand what plans are in place and expectations of them before, during and after a business interruption. Training personnel and testing your BCP are critical elements of having a business continuity plan.

To ensure any plan is practical, meets the strategy criteria and can be easily followed by staff, a testing program needs to be developed and implemented.
— Business Continuity Planning: Maintaining Good Testing Practices, InSide GartnerGroup

BCM training outcome reports

At the completion of the BCM training exercise, we produce a comprehensive report of the tests carried out and actions to be taken. These reports provide good evidence to regulatory authorities and Boards of Directors’ legal requirements.

Even if Standby has not been involved with the development of your current BCP we can still plan and carry out effective workshops. Talk to us about how we can test and enhance existing plans and improve personnel awareness of BCP’s throughout your organisation. 

Plan your training with us now

Embedding Plans into an Organisation

Business Continuity Management (BCM) is an ongoing process which involves working with all types of different staff members and departments throughout an organisation.

Standby currently run a number of contracts in which we maintain, support and embed plans within an organisation. With extensive experience in BCM, we at Standby believe this is a highly effective method of achieving a more realistic recovery strategy as it allows for a deeper understanding of an organisation.

Click here for more information on Standby’s Ongoing Support Contract.